Awarded Fund

Social Enterprise Development Fund 2019

Supporting social projects that address a lack of vital facilities or provide valuable opportunities for the disadvantaged in the community.

The Social Enterprise Development Fund is a €3.2 million Fund being delivered from 2018 – 2022. The fund was created by Rethink Ireland in partnership with Local Authorities Ireland and funded by IPB Insurance and the Department of Rural and Community Development through the Dormant Accounts Fund. IPB Insurance is an Irish-owned general insurance company which protects and supports their local authority members and their communities across Ireland.

The 2019 Social Enterprise Development Fund Awardees



Darndale Belcamp Village Centre (DBVC) addresses the lack of physical facilities for the provision of community services and small businesses. DBVC is primarily a property and facilities management enterprise that ensures that all aspects of the Village Centre are maintained to the highest possible standards, that all necessary repairs are carried out in a timely manner, and that security is provided both in relation to the buildings and to the people who use these buildings. On a daily basis, the Village Centre provides employment, training and education for 390 people.

Representatives of Kilcannon Industries together with Deirdre Mortell


Kilcannon Industries CLG addresses the lack of training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Kilcannon Industries CLG is a voluntary organisation operating within the community sector. It provides services to over 200 service users with intellectual disability and employs a total of 250 staff, offering significant opportunities for employing People with Disabilities in a Social Enterprise Model.


ReCreate addresses the lack of knowledge and appreciation of the practical value and benefits of creativity and highlights the impact of our actions have on the environment around us. They work to solve this problem by working to Foster Creativity, to inspire Champions of Reuse and to support social inclusion. ReCreate has had a direct impact on tens of thousands of people nationwide by giving them access to quality art material and nurturing their inner creativity, which results in improved outcomes for children across the social spectrum.


Refill Ireland addresses the environmental impact of single-use plastic water bottles. The Refill Ireland Project facilitates widespread access to drinking water in public areas in Ireland and also offers a Zero Waste service to runs, fairs, sports days, etc. The Refill Ireland Project wants to see Ireland become a fully refillable country, where refilling is considered as convenient an option as it is to purchase water in a single use plastic bottle.


Siel Bleu Ireland addresses the growing epidemic of physical inactivity amongst older adults and people living with chronic disease. Siel Bleu Ireland offers older adults and people living with chronic disease and physical and intellectual disabilities the opportunity to counteract physical inactivity through specially designed, professional exercise programmes. Siel Bleu have been offering their group exercise programmes in nursing homes, community centres, with patient organisations and one-to-one in private homes.


Walkinstown Green Social Enterprises Limited (WGSEL) supports adults with intellectual disabilities, autism and other barriers to employment to successfully transition into the world of work, by taking steps into further education, training and paid employment. They do this through the operation of a café and a garden centre which trades as The Green Kitchen Café and Garden Centre. The social enterprise also provides a Community Hub in Walkinstown, Dublin 12 that is home to eighteen community groups, including the Dublin 12 Men’s Shed and Charity

We Make Good

We Make Good (WMG) addresses the lack of pathways to employment for people with a history of imprisonment or addiction. We Make Good seeks to address this issue by supporting the growth of the social enterprise sector in Ireland to create more job opportunities for those who need them. Their products are designed by some of Ireland’s best-emerging designers and made by people facing social challenges who have been supported to develop valuable skills and gain employment in their craft. Becoming a skilled maker means people can change the trajectory of their life and that of their families and communities.

Active Connections

Active Connections helps young people over the age of 10, both mainstream and neuro-diverse, who are experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties. Active Connections uses adventure therapy, a combination of physically and psychologically demanding activities. These activity-based interventions help people experiencing poor emotional wellbeing, specifically young people with behavioural difficulties. Their primary aim is to prevent young people from entering into the care system.

Bounce Back Recycling

Bounce Back Recycling offers a mattress and furniture recycling/upcycling service to domestic and commercial customers and is diverting bulky waste away from landfill. This programme supports community companies and co-operatives to deliver local social, economic and environmental services that tackle disadvantage. The social enterprise is managed by members of the Traveller community and is proactive in building community confidence and utilising a rich Traveller skill base.


Deaf Enterprises addresses the high unemployment rates of the deaf and hard of hearing community. It was established over 30 years ago to encourage, promote, develop and foster the employment of deaf people by supporting them in the workplace and providing an ISL support network in employment, training and personal development. They are the only dedicated employer of the deaf and hard of hearing community in Ireland.


Irish Seed Savers Association CLG were set up to create a central store of rare, native and heritage vegetable seed and apple trees, where none previously existed. They research, gather, grow, and protect these collections on their organic farm in Scariff, and make them available for home and community growing, as well as market gardeners and farms. They also run education programmes for schoolchildren and adults to provide practical skills in growing food and nurturing Ireland’s biodiversity for current and future generations.

St. Gabriel’s Orthotic Services

St. Gabriel’s Orthotics provides orthotics to children with disabilities where the child’s needs are the primary focus. Their orthotic devices are an essential treatment that help children with disabilities to walk, run and play. For children with significant disabilities, orthotics assist with posture, prevention of joint contractures and scoliosis. St. Gabriel’s Orthotics is the only non-profit orthotics service in Ireland.

The Urban Co-op

The Urban Co-Op works on improving community wellness. They provide wholesome food at affordable prices and are operated by the community for the community. Their aim is to create a sustainable Limerick. Membership is open to everyone. They provide a platform for social connection and the opportunity to enhance lives through access to wholesome food. They are seeking strategic support as they grow their business with a particular view to creating a franchise model.

Spraoí agus Spórt

Spraoi agus Spórt addresses the support and recreational needs of families working and living in Carndonagh, Co. Donegal. The inspiration for starting Spraoi agus Spórt was born out of frustration and not being able to have a cup of tea or coffee in the local Carndonagh Parent & Toddler Group. They focus on connecting families with their community by offering affordable and accessible activities through a family hub.

Teach Na Daoine

Teach Na Daoine was set up to address and support local disadvantaged individuals and groups locally including members from the Travelling community, people suffering from a disability, immigrants, asylum seekers and drug and alcohol misusers. The social enterprise that they have developed has provided direct employment for local inhabitants who are considered most distant from the labour market.

The Peace Link

The Peace Link addresses peace & reconciliation, health and social inclusion in the Clones Erne East area through sport. The Peace Link Sports Facility is based in Clones, Co. Monaghan. Clones was a thriving market town before the border roads closed. To address these challenges, The Peace Link was created in 2014. The project is unique in the border region and their vision is to provide “An inclusive space committed to transforming lives through active participation in sports and recreation.”